3D Ideas 949: The Bracken

Claire writes: “I have a favourite morning walk. It’s an ancient path where traders used to carry salt. Over the four months we have lived here, the scenery has changed.  The bluebell wood with wide views has become a path full of high bracken. This morning I notice...

3D Ideas 946: Mirroring

Claire writes: “Most listening books talk about the value of mirroring – reflecting back what people told you. Too much of that can end up slowing down the conversation and it can look like you’re going to do something with what they are saying… whereas coaching...

3D Ideas 825: More than diagnosing

Sam, our health coach, writes: “As health professionals our desire to ‘fix it’ can sometimes get in the way of our patients living a more meaningful life. Here’s an example – In her 20’s she noticed her eye sight getting worse. She was prescribed eye...