by Claire Pedrick | May 13, 2013 | 3D Coaching
Claire writes: ” “The more serious mistakes are not being made as a result of wrong answers. The truly dangerous thing is asking the wrong question.” said Peter Drucker. That’s food for thought in a world where the greatest challenge of our time is... by Claire Pedrick | Apr 23, 2012 | 3D Coaching
Jane writes: ‘Some worry is good for us as being aware of risks makes us cautious and helps to keep us safe. But when worrying prevents us from taking any action at all we can feel powerless and defenceless – not a good place to be. Maybe you worry about relationships... by Claire Pedrick | Sep 23, 2011 | 3D Coaching
Claire writes: “One of the coaches I supervise was talking to me and remembered something they had been told in training. ‘If you don’t respect one of your clients, it’s time to help them find another coach.’ Respect (or disrespect) is a buzz word at the moment and a... by Claire Pedrick | May 28, 2010 | 3D Coaching
Last Monday, the UK government announced a £6 billion cut in public spending. As a result, we are a offering free place at our Career Makeover event on 5 June to anyone whose job is at risk as a result of that announcement. Claire writes: ‘The fallout from the... by Claire Pedrick | Apr 1, 2010 | CC 1 Know what's in your toolbox, Vocation and discernment
Claire writes: “I had coffee last week with John who I had met for a ten minute conversation in 2003 after his job had been made redundant. He wanted to talk then about career change and finding the right fit… or at that stage, any fit. We’ve...