International Coaching Week is in May and we spent some time thinking how we could make an impact without being sell-y. Building on the success of the supervision community monthly cafe, we opened the cafe doors to the coaching world! And it was great that the Coaches...
This month’s guest blogger is Emma Childs. Emma writes: “Like millions of others, I became a dedicated ‘Yoga with Adriene’ follower during the first lockdown of 2020. Previously a ‘must try harder’ recipient of school PE reports, there was, for my older and more...
Claire writes: “In my new garden habit, I somehow managed to pot up and plant out the sweet peas. And what a job that’s been. They are delicate… I have great hopes for weeks of summer flowers. I just read this quote from Charles Brower which is the equivalent of sweet...
Claire writes: “What is it, I wonder, in conversations that makes people defer to the person they think is holding the power? When I go to the doctor, I’ll defer to their wisdom. The same when the solicitor is trying to make sure that the will I am signing is what I...
Claire writes: “If you listened to the conversation I had with Liz Price at The Coaching Inn last week, you’ll know that we have been thinking a lot about difference. What’s enough difference and what’s too much? Since I had a conversation with someone...