3D Juggling 699: Masks

Alan writes: “Since 2013, Steve Wintercroft  and his wife have been designing polygonal DIY mask kits for home assembly. Human faces. Animals. Weird and wonderful creatures. All are available. The trick is simply this: you go online and order the mask you want;...

3D Juggling 661: Get Some Perspective

Claire writes: ‘Often people who want to have a conversation with us are a bit stuck with something.  If we ask questions about the something that keep them in the story, they will often stay stuck. It makes a huge difference to perspective when we ask questions...

3D Juggling 641: Divergent

Claire writes: “One of my committments for 2014 has been to dip out of work early to watch a Friday Matinee with my daughter. Friday’s film choice was Noah or Divergent.  Having no desire to see Noah, we went into Divergent with absolutely no idea what it...

3D Juggling 603: Busy busy

There are still spaces on the Masterclass on 25th Feb on helping people look at their situation from a different perspective; and on the next open Coaching for Excellence starting on 4th March. Claire writes: “It’s Lent.  And there’s talk of who has...