3D Ideas 1027: Journey to Mastery

I am loving having a new boss! Su has been encouraging me to clear out my electronic files and I found this which I wrote about 5 years ago and never used. So here it is! I have just finished some mentor coaching with a great coach.  In our final conversation,...

3D Ideas 761: Not a problem

Claire writes: “‘I haven’t got any problems so I have nothing to bring!’ is something we often hear from delegates on our training courses or in action learning sets.  Edgy thinking space doesn’t need to be a problem solving space. ...

3D Ideas 732: Stuff

Claire writes: “Last week was an interesting one.  Invited to speak at a coaching conference about simplicity, I met a man who talks about phenomology and virtual reality in coaching.  Then I read a piece in Jason Fox’s ‘The Gamechanger’ about...