by Claire Pedrick | Aug 31, 2023 | For Coaches, For Thinkers
Claire writes: “In a mentor coaching group, we were talking about challenge and why it can feel uncomfortable. One of the delegates suddenly realised that in their day job, they talk about being ‘kind not nice’. Being kind not nice can mean that saying what we see... by Rebi Hedger | Aug 4, 2022 | ICF C7 Evokes Awareness, ICF Coaching Competencies
Rebi writes: “I absolutely love the STOKeRS questions – but I’ve always struggled with the ‘R’ – how are we going to do this?’. In some recent supervision I was reflecting on the need to be brave and have courage to bring a good level of challenge to my... by Claire Pedrick | Jul 13, 2020 | For Coaches, For Thinkers, ICF C6 Listens Actively
Claire writes: “I’ve been listening to some great conversations this week – coaches coaching and thinkers thinking. Whatever your profession or craft, if you have conversations with people there is much to be learned from listening to recordings from time to... by Claire Pedrick | Oct 8, 2018 | 3D Coaching
Claire writes: “Rapport is an important part of conversations – enough rapport – because too much rapport building, I think, can set a tone to a conversation where it’s more difficult to get the work done. Pre-conversations can help here. What... by Claire Pedrick | Jul 2, 2018 | ICF C5 Maintains Presence
Claire writes: ‘Some of the people who are developing with us were practicing coaching this morning. Stuart began his conversation by saying: ‘I’m looking forward to being useful to you’. Great words, in the light of some of the blogs we have...