by Claire Pedrick | Jul 23, 2013 | 3D Coaching
Claire writes: “This is the first summer when I have not had school age children, and now have different choices and priorities for how I spend my time. Choice is such a gift, I think. We often have more choices than we think and often simply choose not to... by Claire Pedrick | Jul 15, 2013 | Managing Tasks
Claire writes: “In this weather in England, pace is quite important. How do you get through the day with enough energy in spite of the heat? If you’re outside at all, it seems to require a different pace from other times of the year. Most of us are... by Claire Pedrick | Jun 24, 2013 | ICF C8 Facilitates Client Growth, ICF Coaching Competencies
Claire writes: “I’m running a Masterclass on designing actions later today and it crossed my mind that we often think actions are things to do. Choosing how to be can be an action as well. And so can doing nothing – or even stopping doing things. ... by Claire Pedrick | Feb 15, 2013 | 3D Coaching
There are still spaces on the Masterclass on 25th Feb on helping people look at their situation from a different perspective; and on the next open Coaching for Excellence starting on 4th March. Claire writes: “It’s Lent. And there’s talk of who has... by Claire Pedrick | Jun 18, 2010 | 3D Coaching
In response to our recent comments about slowlyness: I read this wonderfully spot on, v relevant article by ‘the Bottom man’ and thought a) he’s reading my mind and b) this ties in so well with your 3D piece about creating space to think. After...