Resources For Coaches
We want to support you as a coach, whether you are just starting out or you’ve called yourself a coach for years.
Here are a few things we hope you will find useful.
Supervision Community
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The coaching Inn
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3D Ideas from our team

Recommendations to help you think things through

Business Builder
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Live Coaching Demos
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Online learning and physical resources

Supervision Community
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the different elements needed for accreditation?
When you apply for coaching accreditation, you will need:
- Training hours - any coaching you do in training sessions with 3D stills counts as training. Live and recorded counts as training hours (check ICF website for the current split they allow)
- Mentor Coaching Hours - your 7 group hours and your 3 1-1s count as mentor coaching for portfolio applications at ACC, PCC and MCC. Any coaching you do in group mentor sessions with 3D stills counts as mentor coaching.
- Coaching Hours - these are made up of both paid & non-paid coaching experiences (check ICF website for the current split they allow) - you will need to keep a record of these in a log.
When applying for ICF membership - There is an option for inputting the training organisation and '3D Academy' comes up? Is that that you?
3D Coaching is not an ACTP or ACSTH training programme. This is an ethical choice because we don’t want to measure our own students. So for accreditation, you will be applying through the Portfolio route. You are on the journey to your 60 hours. 3D Coaching Academy is not us!
What kind of reflections do I need to write for the write-ups?
One per SET:
- One for ALL ethics
- One for ALL competency
- One for all Biz
- One for ALL Coaching over Time
So, please listen to the recordings and then respond to the following questions in no more than 1500 words (total).
In each of the following areas:
What is the key learning for you?
What difference will this make in your coaching?
What’s your most important development question in this area?
What type of insurance do I need?
You’ll need Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance. Oxygen and Towergate are commonly used. Google will help you - there’s a compare the market type website:
Our specialism is the nuts and bolts of your technical development as a coach. We aren’t able to answer questions about the business and accounting side of your work.
What is the difference between ICF and EMCC accreditation?
The International Coach Federation and European Mentoring and Coaching Council are two different professional bodies. Coaches are usually a member of one of them, sometimes people belong to both, that’s a personal choice.
We choose to use the ICF as it is internationally recognised and focuses heavily on partnership between the coach and thinker throughout the whole conversation. It is the only body that is concerned about what you do in the conversation more than what you know about coaching.
Does 3D offer CCEU?
ICF requirements:
CCEU - (continuing coach education units) are the credits earned through continuing education that can be applied toward your ICF credential renewal. CCEU are pre-approved by ICF.
You need 40 credits to renew your credential. They do not need to come from CCEU accredited programmes.
How 3D meet those requirements:
You can use non ICF accredited programmes like 3D’s as long as you have a Certificate, letter or email on letterhead issued by the provider with the name of the event/class, date and amount of training hours completed
- For any hours to be counted towards Core CCE, supplemental documentation demonstrating that Core Competencies were taught and for how long must also be submitted (documentation to demonstrate the course curriculum and method of delivery, including course syllabus, summary, student or instructor’s manual, and any handouts or course materials that provide a detailed description of the curriculum)
What you need from 3D to evidence that:
These are documents that we share with you at the end of every programme we run so that you can simply upload them to ICF - 10 hours CPD with 3D counts as 10 hours credits for ICF.
Does the course I did with 3D come with credits?
Every piece of training offered by 3D counts as credits for ICF.
When you finish each module with 3D, we send you a breakdown of how the training fits the ICF competencies. This comes with the follow up email. Your certificate is sent separately. Please keep these documents safe. If it was not sent, you can get a PDF from the office. It makes it easier for us if you give us the date of the training.
How can I revise for the Coach Knowledge Assessment?
This document contains everything you need to know about the written exam
Does supervision count as CCE?
ICF Requirement :
Receiving Coaching Supervision to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the development and benefit of your coaching skills
How 3D meet those requirements:
Up to 10 hours coaching supervision over 3 years count as CCE.
You will need your coaching Supervisor’s name, email address, start and end date of supervision, and total number of hours of supervision (when you work with a 3D supervisor, you have their permission to use their information - you do not need to ask them separately)
Can I use the podcasts as credits?
ICF Requirements : You can have up to 16 hours self-paced study
Yes, you can use podcasts as self-paced study. Here’s the podcast:
We don’t issue any documentation (see - self paced study [look at point 3 on their website for info])
Does the group mentoring cover the requirements of 10 hours of mentoring which provide you 10 CCE credits that count towards an ACC renewal?
ICF Requirements :
For ACC, PCC or each ACC renewal cycle, 10 hours of mentor coaching must be received over a three-month time period or longer. Of those 10 hours, three must be one-on-one. The remaining seven hours may be one-on-one or in a group.
How 3D meet those requirements:
Every piece of mentor coaching offered by 3D counts as credits for ICF.
When you do group mentor coaching with 3D, your 8 hours recorded masterclasses count as an additional 8 credits in core competencies. To get a certificate and the necessary paperwork you simply need to complete a short reflection in writing or as a voice message.
What you need from 3D to evidence that:
All you need to submit is - Mentor Coach’s name, email address, credential level, start and end date of mentoring, and total number of hours mentored (when you work with a 3D mentor, you have their permission to use their information - you do not need to ask them separately)
You do not need a separate certificate for this.
Do I need to talk about permission in the Mentor recording?
ICF Requirements :
You need permission from the thinker to use their recording, obtain a disclaimer outside of the coaching session
How 3D meet those requirements:
Talking about recording on the day skews partnership - if they have signed a disclaimer you don’t need to do it (upload the disclaimer)
How long should my recording be?
ICF Requirements :
The ICF accept recordings of between 20 mins and an hour.
Plan to record a whole session of 25-55 minute sessions
Who should I coach for my recording?
Don’t coach coaches - it sounds choreographed - the best recordings are freestyle
How do I upload my recording for my mentor?
1. Record it on Zoom or if you are face to face your smart phone would have a voice recorder
2. Please change the name (right click) so it is called YOURNAME
3. If you use google drive or dropbox you can share direct from their using your mentor’s email address
4. Alternatively go to - click I just want to share files and then click Upload files and follow instructions
5. Google can also give good advice - or contact your IT support person. Ness isn’t able to offer individual advice.
What does a release form look like?
For recordings, to cover confidentiality, it’s useful to get the thinker to complete a release form. Here’s an example. You don’t need this to be spoken in the recording
Does the course I did with 3D come with credits?
Every piece of training offered by 3D counts as credits for ICF.
When you finish each module with 3D, we send you a breakdown of how the training fits the ICF competencies. This comes with the follow up email. Your certificate is sent separately. Please keep these documents safe. If it was not sent, you can get a PDF from the office. It makes it easier for us if you give us the date of the training.
How can I revise for the Coach Knowledge Assessment?
This document contains everything you need to know about the written exam
Does supervision count as CCE?
ICF Requirement :
Receiving Coaching Supervision to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the development and benefit of your coaching skills
How 3D meet those requirements:
Up to 10 hours coaching supervision over 3 years count as CCE.
You will need your coaching Supervisor’s name, email address, start and end date of supervision, and total number of hours of supervision (when you work with a 3D supervisor, you have their permission to use their information - you do not need to ask them separately)
Can I use the podcasts as credits?
ICF Requirements : You can have up to 16 hours self-paced study
Yes, you can use podcasts as self-paced study. Here’s the podcast:
We don’t issue any documentation (see - self paced study [look at point 3 on their website for info])
Can I use coaching sessions from Transforming Conversation as “coaching hours” for accreditation purposes?
No - your time on TC counts towards “training hours” for accreditation purposes.
Am I right in thinking that internal coaching counts towards paid hours as long as they are not my direct line of report?
Yes - also can include work with volunteers (make sure they give permission)
How many of my hours need to be paid for?
ICF Requirements : 75% of your hours need to be paid for hours, see the ICF’s definitions for this under Definitions here.
How 3D meet those requirements:
If you are coaching as part of your role, these count as paid hours as long as you are not coaching your direct reports. You can include coaching with volunteers. (make sure they give permission)
Do my coaching hours need to be face to face?
No, they can be face to face, telephone or video conferencing
Will I need to log a reflective account after each coaching session?
No, you just need to record who you have coached, when, for how long, their contact details and whether it was paid for coaching or not. You will need their consent to hold this information.
When can I start logging my coaching hours?
ICF Requirements: You can start logging your coaching hours as soon as you have completed your first 30 hours of training (ICF call this your foundation).
How 3D meet those requirements: If you are on our Level 1 pathway that means after you have completed all of Transforming Conversations (including having a mid course call and listening to the final 2 hours of pre recorded learning)
How do I log my coaching hours?
The ICF have a useful pro forma at the bottom of this page here.
They don’t ask to see your log as a matter of course. They will do spot checks, so you need to ensure that your log is up to date and accurate incase they ask for it. At ACC level, 25 of these hours need to have occurred in the 18 months prior to applying for your credential.
How can I revise for the Coach Knowledge Assessment?
This document contains everything you need to know about the written exam
Does supervision count as CCE?
ICF Requirement :
Receiving Coaching Supervision to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the development and benefit of your coaching skills
How 3D meet those requirements:
Up to 10 hours coaching supervision over 3 years count as CCE.
You will need your coaching Supervisor’s name, email address, start and end date of supervision, and total number of hours of supervision (when you work with a 3D supervisor, you have their permission to use their information - you do not need to ask them separately)
Can I use the podcasts as credits?
ICF Requirements : You can have up to 16 hours self-paced study
Yes, you can use podcasts as self-paced study. Here’s the podcast:
We don’t issue any documentation (see - self paced study [look at point 3 on their website for info])
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