3D Coaching : Complaints Process

We are committed to providing exceptional service and value feedback as an opportunity to improve. If you have a concern or complaint, we promise to handle it with care, respect, and fairness. Our team will work with you to resolve the issue promptly and ensure your experience with us is positive and satisfying.

  1. If your coach/supervisor/mentor/trainer ever says or does anything that you don’t feel comfortable with or if you have a concern with the way you are working, please let them know immediately. 
  2. If you would like to take this further, please contact Ness Callis, our office manager on 07823 497967 or by emailing ness@3dcoaching.com. Ness will pass your details  straight to Claire Pedrick or Su Blanch who will aim to get back to you within 24-48 hours.
  3. In the unlikely event of us not being able to resolve your complaint in house, you can contact our Professional Body.  All our coaches are members of either