There’s still time to email the office and book onto our telephone Masterclass on Powerful Questions at 5pm today – for anyone who has done some coach training.  And How to Be Heard at Work on 4th June still has spaces – if money is an issue, make us an offer!

Claire writes: “I have always loved that Monty Python sketch – Why do you want to join the Secret Service?   Which reminds me that why isn’t always a helpful question.  I can remember a friend telling me that he had got stuck in an early interview when they asked him why he wanted a job – and he couldn’t answer!  Often we don’t know why – and in selection – ‘What has happened to…’ or ‘what are the reasons…’ can often allow candidates to answer more easily.

In a coaching approach, we talk about the importance of curiosity – and yet curiosity can lead the questionner to learn a huge amount – and their companion to not learn anything new!  Because a questionning approach is not interrogation in the style of Monty Python, and it’s not problem solving.  A coaching approach needs us to ask questions to help the other learn.  Senge talks about suspending our view – and simply listening – because that is where creativity happens. Takes practice!”

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