This month, our guest blogger is Naomi Regan, co-founder of CAPE. Naomi writes: “Early on as a coach one of the big tension points for me was how to support a new (first-time being coached) person to think about what to bring to a session. I was conscious of wanting to avoid influencing the topic too much, clearly distinguishing between the arriving and the work, and also allowing them to have a feel for what coaching is to have a better idea of how to use the space in the future. I played with different options – ‘what’s a challenge for you at the moment’ (the risk – it’s too focused on what isn’t working), ‘what’s forefront in your mind’ (the risk – they miss something that is out of immediate focus) etc. etc.
As with all tension points some things work, some feel clunky and don’t, and the evolution of this is that I now start by saying something like:
‘So these sessions often start one of three ways:
- You know exactly what you want to focus on and we can get straight into doing some thinking on that together
- You have no idea, or aren’t sure, and we can spend a little bit of time exploring what areas might be worth considering, before you decide where you want to focus your thinking
- We start by looking ahead to our final session and what will be different for you to feel that the time we have spent together has been useful
Which of those do you connect with most?’
Ⓒ 3D Coaching Ltd 2024
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