3d Ideas 1125 – Back of your notebook?

Su writes “This week, I am having my first session with a new coach supervisor. It is serendipitous rather than intentional that this is at the beginning of the year, but of course it does mean that I feel like I am starting out with hope and optimism, putting my boots on and getting out there.

I have had a page at the back of my note book where I have been collecting all the things I would like to bring to this session. It’s quite a list. It makes me feel excited and a bit terrified. And I’m also so pleased that I am going to be having this conversation with someone who is there to enable me to focus on what I need to in order to continue developing – the fact that there is no other agenda is really freeing! I am going to make the most of it.

I do think it’s the same for people arriving for coaching – and this might be for you to think about. What is on the back page of your notebook : the things that you want to move and shift? I’m conscious that this time next year my coaching will be looking quite different – and I wonder what you would like to be looking quite different this time next year? And what would you feel like if those things hadn’t shifted?

If you have something on your notebook back page (….your notes app, your spreadsheet or your smart board…!) or indeed if you need to figure out what goes on there, get in touch and we can do that work with you. Good to be shifting what you feel needs to be shifting, good to be doing that with a thinking partner who has no other agenda than to support you to get where you want to.