Rebi writes: “I was in A&E (the emergency room) with a friend. After we had been there a little while, a woman came and sat down next to me. Clearly frustrated, I knew she was going to tell me what was going on for her.

“8 hours I’ve been waiting!”

“Wow!” I exclaimed. 

“I was given a piece of paper and told I needed an x-ray, I didn’t realise I needed to hand in the piece of paper to the desk, so I was just sat in that other room for hours wondering why I hadn’t been called”

I shared my sadness for her situation and that I was glad she was now in the right place. 

As we continued to wait, I realised that I had moved from my chair several times to ask where we were in the queue, checking we were in the right place. For whatever reason, this person did not feel able to move, she didn’t think to ask or clarify. She had been stuck. 

Sometimes we can feel like this in our thinking can’t we – stuck, like there are no options or no places to go – or maybe it’s like that for the people we are thinking with. How can we partner with people so that they feel like they can move? How can our work gently change the world so that people don’t end up stuck in the wrong place?”

Ⓒ 3D Coaching Ltd 2024

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