Claire writes: “I am absolutely loving working with Andy Cain as he delivers our online training about Coaching with Presence. I found him when I did his online improv training for fun!

So, I have now had two lessons in gibberish with Andy – where two people having a conversation making noises rather than speaking words. What’s interesting is how easy it is to understand someone else’s intention through sound and movement.

On our camper van trip to France and Spain, I saw this in action. Having been fluent in French in my 20s, I sound like I can speak the language. And after 2 years of learning Spanish, and speaking it for 2 weeks, I had a reasonable vocabulary. This meant that as we passed over the Pyrenees, I could start a conversation but couldn’t find the French words. Great grammar. Tiny vocabulary! But the sound and the intention seemed to be enough for good communication, and I got a lot of feedback from people in cafes that they could understand me. This confirms for me how significant the sound of the conversation is for good communication. Especially in coaching!

Ⓒ 3D Coaching Ltd 2024

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