3D Juggling 582: Pace and the Paralympics

Claire writes: ‘My new love – this month – is sport.  Like many others, I have been grabbed by the passion and enthusisam and skill of the Olympians and Paralympians.  Fully re-engaging with work this morning after a few weeks of a slower blend of...

3D Juggling 572: Finding Time

Jane writes: ‘How often do you say, or hear others say, that there just isn’t enough time to do everything that needs to be done?  Recent research suggests that time wasted at meetings could equate to 13 million hours a week.  Just think about how that time...

3D Juggling 513: Mini Jobs

After last week’s Juggling on Trust, someone helpfully pointed us to this Reith Lecture called Trust and Transparency Jane writes: At my Pilates class last night I was having a conversation with someone about their job.  One of the things she said really struck...