Claire writes: ‘When It’s Over It’s Over is one of our principles at 3D Coaching. It’s about finishing conversations when we have done what we need to do. Today I have deleted our X accounts. It’s taken a lot of thinking about. I had 3000 connections,...
Claire writes: “I am absolutely loving working with Andy Cain as he delivers our online training about Coaching with Presence. I found him when I did his online improv training for fun! So, I have now had two lessons in gibberish with Andy – where two people...
Nathan writes, “I recently participated in a walking coaching session. It highlighted my difficulty with time awareness, and walking added to the challenge, as I didn’t want to keep checking my watch. As I reflected on the coaching session, I realised we were...
This week’s guest blogger is Kim Witten who has been helping Claire simplify even more! Kim writes: “We want our questions to make people think, but about what? When we ask questions that make people think too hard or about the wrong things, we inadvertently use up...
A noun or a verb? Claire writes: “On a recent podcast, former actor Mark Bixter talked about how much he loved acting, and how he had fallen out of love with being an actor. It reminded me of a conversation I had with coach and supervisor Jeff Matthews. Jeff...
Claire writes: “I can’t be the only person who dislikes difficult encounters or hard things at work. I still don’t like them, but since I have realised that everyone or every situation is our teacher, it’s felt less worse! Mostly, and not always, that means that...