3D Ideas 1104 – July Highlights

3D Ideas 1104 – July Highlights

Some highlights from our team this month : A simple question at an office meeting – when did Transforming Conversations start? And we have realised it is 21 years old.  Which means we have to have a party!!Friday 13th September 16:00-17:00 (UK) for a (virtual)...
3D Ideas 1100 – June Highlights

3D Ideas 1100 – June Highlights

Some highlights from our team this month :Su : “I really enjoyed working with Ulster University on their Leadership Programme, introducing the Action Learning Set model that they will be utilising to expand and developing their learning over the next few months....
3D Ideas 1075: Yes or No

3D Ideas 1075: Yes or No

Rebi writes “The appointment started with ‘we want this to be a parent led process’… brilliant I thought. I’m on board with that, as my 11 month old sat on my lap for his development review. However what followed was a series of yes/no questions. As I...