Su writes, ”As you know, we partner people with their thinking around all sorts of subjects! So I thought I’d focus on one topic that we specialise in: interviews. We notice that, even when you might be really confident and articulate in your job and where you feel comfortable and expert, you might find interviews feel debilitating. Maybe you come into the room with less power and confidence, and therefore the interviewers just don’t get to see what they would get if they get you – instead of the leader you are, they meet someone meeker and apologetic. 

What we don’t do is coach you to turn into someone different! But instead give you the confidence to really show them who you and what you bring. Here’s some feedback we’ve had recently….

We asked, “What did you get from your coaching session? What worked for you?”

  • Unpicking my concerns about how I might react in interviews. Having videos to watch beforehand that covered some of the stuff that I needed so we could discuss how they affected me rather than spending the time conveying that information.
  • Really thinking through who do I want them to meet in interview and leaving other “me”s elsewhere for that time!  I found feedback on answering questions really helpful as I didn’t realise how vague I was being and had helped me realise the prep I need to do about being specific about what I do ie what do they get if they get me.  Found tips about power dynamics and story helpful, and where to spend most energy.  I appreciated you ending the session on a positive note.  It was a very good use of my time!

Do you have an interview coming up? Are you starting to consider your next move? Book a chat with me to see what might work for you:

Ⓒ 3D Coaching Ltd 2024

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