Much of our work is online at the moment, so it’s always delightful to be in person – and even better when we are together. Su joined Claire and Stuart Reid in Luton for the latest Coaching with Presence workshop. Much laughter and learning.
And after a 3 year search, we have found our online improv teacher, so Coaching with Presence will also be offered online in July 2024. Exciting that we can now deliver all our curriculum virtually (we will still be running it on site)
We are loving the Spring sunshine in the UK.
Rebi and Jack have been working away in the background for months building a new website. We should have videoed the call where they did the big reveal to Claire and Su – who are overwhelmed with how much it gets the DNA of 3D Coaching. You’ll get a big reveal in the next few weeks!
We are cheering on Su as she is running “70K in May” for Christian Aid.
We would love you to support her too if you can!
“This is not an easy challenge for me! You can donate here”
And Nathan and Su have hosted the first module of Coaching Neurodivergent thinkers. This is one part of the work we are expanding around neurodiversity. There’s more to come…
Ⓒ 3D Coaching Ltd 2024
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